Ryan Fontaine

Hello! Welcome back to TEMP Reviews. 

After publishing seven reviews in 2020 by Mike Curran, Brooks Turner, and myself, our first time around was halted by the COVID pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. Pretty quickly there were no shows to review and we never quite found our way back to this project once things returned, more or less, to normal. We still held the belief that with all of the great work happening, the Twin Cities needed and deserves more arts writing. This time around we have funding via the Andy Warhol Foundation and Midway Contemporary Art’s Visual Art Fund.

TEMP begins anew with a review of Alexa Horochowski’s solo show Under the Sea-Wind at
Dreamsong. We are wide open to proposals for reviews of Twin Cities based art exhibitions so let us know if you have something you would like to write about or if there are any questions or comments about the site.

Thank you all!
—Ryan Fontaine

If you would like to contribute or respond
 to something written here you can contact me, Ryan Fontaine, or Brooks Turner at TEMPMPLS@gmail.com. No promises we’ll publish your work, but we encourage your content and dialogue.

This website and whatever TEMP becomes was made possible with the help of Bockley Gallery, Second Shift, SooVac, Rosalux, PlayTimers, Company Projects, Rochester Art Center, HAIRandNAILS, Forage Modern, the Andy Warhol Foundation, Midway Contemporary Art, and Public Functionary.

Follow our Instagram account, @tempmpls, to receive notifications of when new content is available on the website.

See also: Artist interviews at Follicle/Cuticle